Monday 31 January 2011

Day Seven: Ab-tastic Exercise Challenge.

Exercise/s: This challenge is made up of several exercises.
  1. Knee raises. 20 reps. 
  2. Interval skipping. 4 minutes, 8 rounds of 10/20 second intervals. 
  3. Repeat each step 5 times, giving a total of 100 Knee raises and 20 minutes skipping. 
Aim: To target tone your Abs while burning fat with the skipping.

Results: I managed some of this routine before I had to stop to be sick. I don't have the kit to do a proper knee raise, so I did leg raises instead. Not as targeted as a knee raise, but still difficult enough. I've not been very successful at training through this flu. I was hoping I would be able to push through it, but it's not working. I managed the the first 6 stages of the routine.
  1. 20 Knee raises.
  2. 417 rope jumps.
  3. 20 Knee raises.
  4. 334 rope jumps.
  5. 20 Knee raises.
  6. 223 rope jumps.
  7. Stop to be sick.
Thoughts and feelings: I've been determined to try and keep training, but it's clear I'm really not well. Until I have recovered I'm not going to attempt any more routines. I will keep up with the warm-ups and start a program of stretching to ease my muscles. I got my interval timer in the post day, which is great. As I'm training in my bedroom I've started using the Online Tabata Clock at Beach Fitness. It's useful for the colour coding, so I can listen to music while working out.
I have also decided to order a dip bar, so that I can to Knee raises and dips properly. The model Zuzanna uses looks great and is very reasonably priced. I can see some of my tax rebate getting spent on that. (Update: Yikes, the bar may be reasonably priced, but the shipping cost is insane. I will have to think about that some more first.)

Confession: I blew out on the healthy eating this morning. I was feeling so lousy when I woke up that I made myself a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee. I think if there was chocolate or cookies in the house I would have curled up in bed and munched them all day. Thankfully there wasn't, so it was just the bacon. I have cut down my coffee intake though. I've not been having more than one strong coffee a day. It's hard, but I'm sure it will pay off in the end.

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