Tuesday 25 January 2011

Day One: Pike Press Challenge.

Exercise: Pike Press Challenge. Alternating one leg pike press.

Aim: To do as many reps of one leg pike presses as you can in 10 minutes.

Results: I couldn't make it to 10 minutes. This is easily one of the hardest exercises I have ever tried. Using the beginners form I managed 51 reps in 2 and a half minutes before I had to stop. My arms were shaking badly and my wrists hurt too much to do more. I definitely need to strengthen my wrists. 

Thoughts and feelings: Sweet Jesus what a disaster. I knew I was unfit, but I hadn't expected to be this unfit. I never want to do pike press again! I will, but I know I wont ever enjoy it. I look forward to the day I can do this using the proper form. I will keep forcing myself through this until I can do it.

Not the most successful start, but if It was easy I wouldn't be in need of the lifestyle change. I can feel my brain thinking of excuses: you have the flu, you haven't slept much, the exercise is meant for people fitter than you... But the answer is it really doesn't matter. I tried my best. It was damn hard and I did as many as I could. If I keep doing my best I won't have anything to feel bad about. Roll on tomorrow.

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