Monday, 31 January 2011

Day Seven: Ab-tastic Exercise Challenge.

Exercise/s: This challenge is made up of several exercises.
  1. Knee raises. 20 reps. 
  2. Interval skipping. 4 minutes, 8 rounds of 10/20 second intervals. 
  3. Repeat each step 5 times, giving a total of 100 Knee raises and 20 minutes skipping. 
Aim: To target tone your Abs while burning fat with the skipping.

Results: I managed some of this routine before I had to stop to be sick. I don't have the kit to do a proper knee raise, so I did leg raises instead. Not as targeted as a knee raise, but still difficult enough. I've not been very successful at training through this flu. I was hoping I would be able to push through it, but it's not working. I managed the the first 6 stages of the routine.
  1. 20 Knee raises.
  2. 417 rope jumps.
  3. 20 Knee raises.
  4. 334 rope jumps.
  5. 20 Knee raises.
  6. 223 rope jumps.
  7. Stop to be sick.
Thoughts and feelings: I've been determined to try and keep training, but it's clear I'm really not well. Until I have recovered I'm not going to attempt any more routines. I will keep up with the warm-ups and start a program of stretching to ease my muscles. I got my interval timer in the post day, which is great. As I'm training in my bedroom I've started using the Online Tabata Clock at Beach Fitness. It's useful for the colour coding, so I can listen to music while working out.
I have also decided to order a dip bar, so that I can to Knee raises and dips properly. The model Zuzanna uses looks great and is very reasonably priced. I can see some of my tax rebate getting spent on that. (Update: Yikes, the bar may be reasonably priced, but the shipping cost is insane. I will have to think about that some more first.)

Confession: I blew out on the healthy eating this morning. I was feeling so lousy when I woke up that I made myself a bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee. I think if there was chocolate or cookies in the house I would have curled up in bed and munched them all day. Thankfully there wasn't, so it was just the bacon. I have cut down my coffee intake though. I've not been having more than one strong coffee a day. It's hard, but I'm sure it will pay off in the end.

Day Six (late): Worse than ever.

So yesterday was not a good day. The worst I have been to date. I had to dose my self up with medicine to get into work. Being part time I can't afford to take any time off sick. I survived the day, and felt almost normal for half an hour in the middle. When I got home I was so rough again that I got straight into bed.

I didn't feel up to attempting the Ab-tastic Exercise Challenge.

Saturday, 29 January 2011

Day Five: Recovery

Although not on Zuzanna's schedule, I'm taking today as a recovery day. Post the Sexy Legs Exercise Challenge every muscle from my hips down hurts. It's funny watching me trying to get up off of a chair, but is good testament to what these workouts do. Today is supposed to be the Hot Body Beach Workout, but I wouldn't stand a chance with that one today. I couldn't do another lunge if my life depended on it.

I shall spend some time warming up and stretching to ease the aches a little, but try and take it easy today. More healthy food is on the menu. I had the Banana grape smoothie for breakfast, and will try a new soup this afternoon. I'm thinking Carrot and Coriander.

I'm starting to get asked if I'm losing weight. A personally rewarding question to be asked if ever there was one. I was reading about Cathy in Canada on BodyRock this morning. Her results are very motivating. I will do another proper workout tomorrow after work.

Friday, 28 January 2011

Day Four: Sexy Legs Exercise Challenge

Exercise/s: This challenge is made up of seven exercises:
  1. Lunge (left foot forward). Max reps in 2 minutes 30 seconds.
  2. Interval Skipping. 5 minutes. 10 rounds of 10/20 second intervals.
  3. Lunge (right foot forward). Max reps in 2 minutes 30 seconds.
  4. Interval Skipping. 5 minutes. 10 rounds of 10/20 second intervals.
  5. Lunge. (left foot forward). Max reps in 2 minutes 30 seconds. 
  6. Interval Skipping. 5 minutes. 10 rounds of 10/20 second intervals.
  7. Lunge (right foot forward). Max reps in 2 minutes 30 seconds. 
Aim: To KILL yourself! "I know that it says “challenge” but this is more like a killer challenging workout". She wasn't lying.

Results: I didn't manage it all the way through. I was coughing horribly after the first interval skipping, and pushed on to exercise 4 before I had to stop. My lungs are very sore.
  1. 40 lunges on the left leg. These are surprisingly difficult. I don't know what to do with my arms.
  2. 406 rope jumps in this interval. Its a little odd jumping rope as I don't have one. 
  3. 37 lunges on the right leg. So hard to keep going. Had to take a minutes break.
  4. 420 rope jumps in this interval. Trying to get knees up when jumping. 
Thoughts and feelings: I'm in a lot of pain, and had to stop half way through, but really enjoyed it. Brutus definitely knocked and came in. I think next time I attempt this I will keep a chair close by for support during the lunges. I'm still waiting for my interval timer to be delivered, so I was timing using a stop watch. Not the easiest approach. I don't have space in my room to use a jump rope so I was jumping on the spot, rotating my arms, as If I had a rope.

All in all I'm pleased. A great workout, and I'm looking forward to trying it again. I think I need to work on form for lunges, as I have never tried them before today. Time to hit the shower and think about a snack.

P.S. I have lost 4lbs after 4 days of taking better care of my self. Well worth the effort. 

Day Four: Breakfast

So I'm running behind my schedule today. I couldn't force myself out of bed. At 6 am this morning I coughed, spluttered, groaned, and rolled over. Not the best start, but I'm determined to manage some real exercise today.

With that in mind I made a lemsip and looked around for something to eat that was going to give me the energy and kick to workout. I have a general rule of thumb, that if a fruit or vegetable is green, it's usually VERY good for you.

Being a shopping day there isn't much fruit left but I found some tired grapes (I love grapes), an old banana, and some limes. It would appear that these all mixed together makes a delicious, if somewhat bitty, smoothie.

A couple of handfuls of grapes, one banana, and the juice of one lime, with a little water to thin. I think it's important that you don't use milk to thin it. Yum yum yum. I can feel all the vitamin C and good green bits doing their job.

I love it when you can look at a pile of ingredients, and your body tells you exactly what it needs and how much. I can see banana grape smoothie being a regular breakfast. I shall try it again later with fresher ingredients and probably add it to the recipes section.

Day Three (Late): Sexy Legs Exercise Challenge

Another day sick. When I got back from work I ate and got straight into bed, hence posting this in the morning. I'm starting to feel a little better today. I'm hoping to do something. Not sure what it will be. I might try the Sexy Legs Exercise Challenge today. It would be good to work my legs.

On a post workout note, my shoulders and what feels like my Latissimus dorsi muscles are still tender from the Pike Press. It's a great exercise for working all of the upper body. My Biceps feel great for it. Forget weight lifting, this is good stuff.

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Day Two: Beach Workout

Sadly I've had to pass on today's workout. The flu I felt yesterday has been really bad today. I managed to get into work, but crashed out for an hour once I got back. I'm determined that this won't set me back too much.

I spent half an hour or so stretching and warming up gently, so at least my body will remember something of a routine. Damn poor timing for get sick. I don't want to push myself too hard while I'm sick, so I plan on checking through Zuzanna's routines for something less taxing. If nothing else I will keep stretching and eating well until I'm recovered.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Day One: Pike Press Challenge.

Exercise: Pike Press Challenge. Alternating one leg pike press.

Aim: To do as many reps of one leg pike presses as you can in 10 minutes.

Results: I couldn't make it to 10 minutes. This is easily one of the hardest exercises I have ever tried. Using the beginners form I managed 51 reps in 2 and a half minutes before I had to stop. My arms were shaking badly and my wrists hurt too much to do more. I definitely need to strengthen my wrists. 

Thoughts and feelings: Sweet Jesus what a disaster. I knew I was unfit, but I hadn't expected to be this unfit. I never want to do pike press again! I will, but I know I wont ever enjoy it. I look forward to the day I can do this using the proper form. I will keep forcing myself through this until I can do it.

Not the most successful start, but if It was easy I wouldn't be in need of the lifestyle change. I can feel my brain thinking of excuses: you have the flu, you haven't slept much, the exercise is meant for people fitter than you... But the answer is it really doesn't matter. I tried my best. It was damn hard and I did as many as I could. If I keep doing my best I won't have anything to feel bad about. Roll on tomorrow.

Tools of the trade

I have finally completed the simple but important task of buying a few of the bits of kit needed to follow BodyRock's routines: a yoga mat, an interval timer, and a heart rate monitor. The mat is to make my wooden floor a little more accommodating, the interval timer is so I can do the HIIT properly, while the hrm is for jogging.

Alongside the BodyRock routines, I will be forcing myself into the Highlands' cold and horrible weather to jog on a semi regular basis. I'm in the process of trying to find a track that will work for jogging. I'll update progress as I make it.

New Recipe added

I have added a recipe for a delicious Red Pepper soup into the recipe section. I am still deciding on the exact format for this blog, so for the time being it is only listed on that page. I may start posting recipes to the main blog feed later too.