Wednesday 16 February 2011

A fresh start.

Okay, so it's been a bad couple of weeks for exercising. In a strange counterpoint, my writing has been much better these last couple of weeks, my focus much stronger; but there needs to be a balance between the two. However, I can admit if it was a choice of one or the other I would choose the writing.

I think my problem is as simple as too much too soon. I need to ease into exercise gently. Start with a level that is easy to maintain, and then build it over time. Sure it doesn't have the pay off to my male ego that diving right in has, but that's not what this is about. This idea of the 'Fit for 30' is to change my lifestyle in such a way as to create a naturally healthier approach to the rest of my life. I'm not bothered about being a muscle bound colossus, I just want to be healthier, happier.

I shall look through Zuzanna's routines and pick them apart. Things like the interval skipping is a great way to get the heart beating, and work the legs without needing space. There is no reason why I can't skip an amount everyday, and do three longer sessions a week to get my body into the routine. Also this approach wont leave me crippled at work, which has been an issue. I have no problem with the muscle pain after a great workout, but I don't like feeling like I can't move properly to do my job.

The French novelist Anatole France famously said "All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another."

I agree with him. For all the collected minutiae of bad habits and learned behaviour of years need to be systematically replaced with a fresh paradigm. No small task to alter even the unconscious behaviours, but a necessary step nonetheless. With that goal in mind I am creating a list of the behaviours I notice in myself that need to be altered. Hopefully once aware of them, I can forcibly alter for the better.

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